Welcome to “Jane” our online Booking System

For our Current Patients - if you are having any trouble booking online or can’t find a suitable appointment time please reach out to our Admin team - give us a call on (03) 5429 3610, and we can help book you in over the phone.

If you are new to the clinic wanting to book an Initial Consultation, unfortunately at this point in time Hannah is not taking on new patients. If you would like to go on the wait list please contact the clinic to leave your details. We will be in contact when she has the capacity to open her books again.

As always thank you for supporting the clinic & we look forward to seeing you soon 😊

Team In Symmetry💚

Acupuncture / Chinese Medicine

Appointment with
- Hannah Sutton
- Chris Eddy
- Vanessa Manion

Acupuncture / Herbal Medicine

Hannah Sutton studied Chinese Medicine at the RMIT and completed a Bachelor of Applied Sciences in Chinese Medicine and Human Biology. This involved five years of study with the final year being conducted as a clinical internship at the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine.

At the First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanjing, Hannah gained clinical experience under the guidance and influence of specialised doctors in the following departments: – Acupuncture, Gynaecology, Dermatology, Paediatrics, Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology, ENT & Gerontology) & Tuina (Chinese Remedial Massage).

Combining acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, diet & lifestyle advice to restore your health, Hannah’s treatments are tailored to suit your individual health concerns.

Hannah is dedicated to helping people improve their health and wellbeing and has a strong belief in educating patients in health maintenance practices such as yoga, meditation and eating healthily.

Hannah holds current registration in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS).

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Chinese Medicine) RMIT 2002
  • Clinical Internship, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China 2002
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Human biology) RMIT 2000
  • Fertile Life Method Practitioner
  • Certificate in Fertile Life Method, Pregnancy & Birth (Dr. Kirsten Wolfe, Mornington Chinese Medicine)
  • Registered with Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
  • Member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS 27234)

Acupuncture / Herbal Medicine Hannah Sutton studied Chinese Medicine at the RMIT and completed a... Read More

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Located at: 120 Main Street, Romsey
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